reception looming


the backwards nazi was here


so many cool signs


haunted house


where old bricks
meet new bricks




the smoking cage


not the warmest of receptions i'm sure


i'm the only crazy person left





the bridge




hard to believe this will soon be gone


building to building


boarded up entrance
fence ripped down



i remember when the nuts would be sitting out here all day smoking cigs


i used to drive by on my moped and they would clap for me


junior soprano ended up here


a slide


abandoned mental hospital


Back Male Hill


forsaken? not quite yet


true nj gothic


Front Male Hill


people pay money for porches like this in the suburbs


darkness inside


last repose


a community devoted to madness


building 5


that rail is a skate spot


chillin on hicks street


rehabilitation wing


the black mass is held here on monday nights
hope to see you there


almost time to kiss these buildings goodbye


i could picture a nice
KID PK up there
on those bricks


building 3 Rehab


i am powerless over my addictions and my life has become unmanageable


reception under the bridge


this spot was off limits when i was a kid. so glad i got to see it abandoned


caged in for your safety


go deeper if you dare




Strange tales from the depths of the abandoned mental hospital. Inspired by a lifetime of trespassing in Overbrook Asylum, author Wheeler Antabanez captures and preserves the dark mood and creepy ambiance of the now demolished institution.

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