Mentally Ill Chemically Addicted
Building #5


enter at your own risk kids


welcome to hell


baby changing station for visiting days


this is where the Late Night NA meeting first started when it moved to overbrook


a lot of secrets were shared in this room


use the steps or go to hell


dropping like flies


hell looks like fun


classic MICA


meeting makers
make it


the 12 steps will smash you


when i took over the meeting i moved it in here
MICA Dayroom


back then the hospital was still in use and this room was wide open


this is where i set up the candles and made a circle of chairs


the meeting was held every friday from 11-12:30 AM
more of a black mass than a meeting


now they are collecting debris for eventual demolition


memories here


plenty of beds available now. used to be an addict had to be on a waiting list to get in


still chairing the meeting


unless they fuck you first


into the wards


these hallways go on forever
especially if you're a ghost


Dining Room 2


you would have to be insane to eat here


this roof has a leak


hallway behind Dining Room 2


back into the Dining Room


who isn't?


take only pictures
leave only paw prints


not a very nice place to be locked up. it's hard to chew your way through this type of mesh.


ward 27


do you see the old lady?


an apparition



locked seclusion
reinforced glass


please demi. why?
why demi?




i rode past here on my moped and all the patients came out and waved from the porch


twists and turns


crooked passage


rehabilitation wing


walking to rehab


the 13th, 14th and 15th steps to recovery


ripped copper heaters


see ya!


just another ghost


the thorazine highway


the ceiling is made of brick


blue on brick


fresh air portal




Strange tales from the depths of the abandoned mental hospital. Inspired by a lifetime of trespassing in Overbrook Asylum, author Wheeler Antabanez captures and preserves the dark mood and creepy ambiance of the now demolished institution.

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